Denver Wants You to Know

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The City and County of Denver has a new website on marijuana. Not surprisingly, it concentrates on what is not legal. The six things it wants you to know:

  •   It is illegal to consume marijuana in public.
  •  It is illegal to take marijuana out of state.
  •  Only licensed establishments can sell retail marijuana products.
  •  It is illegal for retail establishments to give or sell marijuana to minors.
  • You must be over 21 to possess or use “retail marijuana
  •  It is illegal to “drive high

Some other things Denver would like you to know:

  •  Colorado residents over age 21 can buy and possess up to 1 ounce of retail marijuana at a time. Non-residents are limited to ¼ ounce.
  • Until 2016,  you must be a currently licensed medical marijuana center, manufacturer or cultivator to apply for recreational retail license.

As for growing marijuana in your home:

  • Colorado residents over age 21 can grow up to 6 marijuana plants. But roommates take note: No more than 12 total plants are allowed per residence regardless of the number of adults living there.
  •  Marijuana plants must be kept in an enclosed, locked area.

As for Brewer and Shipley, 43 years have passed and they’re still performing the song.